Giving Opportunities

2024 Storm Relief

For those interested in assisting with our immediate necessities, please donate now. For updates visit our 2024 Storm Relief page.

Deborah’s Village

The Challenge

Deborah’s Village is full of beautiful cabins built on what was once an open meadow. While this was helpful for construction, the lived experience from this summer illustrates the need for more trees and plants, more shade and covered meeting areas in and around the site.

The Opportunity

A donor has come forward to challenge our community with a 1:1 matching grant. Any gift made to this effort will be matched dollar for dollar up to $200k.

Annual Giving & Scholarship Fund

We couldn’t be doing what we do without our family of amazing supporters! Through your generosity, camp continues to build and expand its offerings, making our summers even more awesome. You can help us make this our best summer ever by supporting CJ today!

As intrinsic to our camp as cabins and connections, this fund was fundamental to CJ’s original mission—to share the gift of Jewish camp with all children, regardless of financial circumstances. Contribute to this fund to provide camper scholarship, and to expand and enhance summer offerings for both campers and staff.

B’nai Mitzvah Projects and Camp Judaea

Current CJ campers: celebrate your B’nai Mitzvah with a mitzvah project supporting Camp Judaea. You’ll help make a difference for fellow campers and for our CJ community.

Camp Judaea’s Legacy for the Generations Society

Camp Judaea’s Legacy for the Generations Society allows you to create a lasting impact on future generations of campers and staff. Through a bequest or planned gift, you can ensure that the traditions and values of Camp Judaea that mean so much to you endure for future generations.

Any size legacy gift can be made by naming Camp Judaea in your will or other planned giving vehicle. You can make Camp Judaea a beneficiary of your IRAs, life-insurance policies, named endowment funds and more. These gifts may also provide tax savings for your heirs.